The Mind's Eye @ MegaEpix Enormous
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  1. Making Motion Pictures

  2. How to Protect Your Children From the 2 Most Dangerous Natural Threats

  3. The March of Yourself to Bed

  4. Children's Stock Portfolio

  5. MP3's or Microsoft Videos of an impromptu piano concert featuring The Young Americans.

  6. MP3 Pit & More Free MP3 Kids, you might need to tell your parents what an mp3 is? (Click here for help with multimedia) This is a raw index of mp3 wav files. If you are set-up to hear mp3, you can just click on any file. Most of the file names will give you a clue as to the point-of-view. The soundtracks are live "bedtime concerts" performed in children's bedrooms... as they fall asleep.

  7. Children's Motion & Vision Network A series of 3 minute shows that explore music and instruments. The file format is MPEG4. The shows are produced by a 7 seven-year-old and feature a 4-year-old stunt girl.

  8. Higgins' Journal The life and times of a young raccoon.

  9. Nicki-Names This is a story about a "real life" and the names one woman acquired along the way.

  10. About Matthew Henson The first men to go to the North Pole.

  11. Passages Of The Labyrinth A song about overcoming fears with the power of your spirit, mind and body.

  12. Modern Folk Music For Children of all Ages (and Points to Ponder): .wav, .avi, Real Audio, Downloads, Streaming Video
    An introduction to original, modern folk music, as well as, an educational platform for multigenerational learning.

  13. Ring Around The Rosy
    We all fall Down! A modern adaptation of the children's classic. It deals with death... and life.

    The Boy's Gotta Gun

  14. The War Song: Guns, Rifles, Pistols, Tanks (and when to use them.) .avi download or streaming video

    A look at war from a child's point-of-view.

    Does sheltering a child from guns help deter that child from mis-using a weapon?

  15. Sharks:

    Shark N' Me

    A Thought About Predators... Plundering, and Pillaging

    "I just hope I'm not his dish"
    Featuring guitar, harmonica, and the fish of Sea World, Orlando, Florida.

  16. (Soda)POP (& Beer) CULTURE:
    How do you explain to the kids about brand names, liquor, and sugar coated goodies that show-up in their movies?

    Do you know what a commercial is? How do you explain that... although ET likes Reeses Pieces, they are not good for humans?

    The Darth Vader In Me

  17. The Darth Vader Song: Good Vs. Evil After learning about predators, perhaps a discussion on The Darkside is in order. Will the force be with you?

  18. Surrender, Hark & Heed
    Are you paying attention to the warning signs? Sometimes sirens sound... sometimes lights flash... sometimes you need to take a closer look.

    When a road is being repaired, they put up big warning signs that say, "Warning! Road Closed". That's easy, right? But, do you know any warning signs that tell you a storm is coming? Some people say that they can "feel it in their bones". I can always tell because my ears are sensitive to pressure... and, storms usually occur when low pressure and high pressure collide.

Kid's Menu
Instrumental In My Development