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  1. MP3 Pit & More Free MP3 Kids, you might need to tell you parents what an mp3 is? (Click here for help with multimedia) This is a raw index of mp3 wav files. If you are set-up to hear mp3, you can just click on any file. Most of the file names will give you a clue as to the point-of-view. The soundtracks are live "bedtime concerts" performed in children's bedrooms... as they fall asleep.

  2. Children's Motion & Vision Network A series of 3 minute shows that explore music and instruments. The file format is MPEG4. The shows are produced by a 7 seven-year-old and feature a 4-year-old stunt girl.

  3. Investing In The Future A sample investment portfolio for children of all ages.

  4. Higgins' Journal The life and times of a young raccoon.

  5. Nicki-Names This is a story about a "real life" and the names one woman acquired along the way.

  6. About Matthew Henson The first men to go to the North Pole.

  7. Passages Of The Labyrinth A song about overcoming fears with the power of your spirit, mind and body.

  8. Modern Folk Music For Children of all Ages (and Points to Ponder): .wav, .avi, Real Audio, Downloads, Streaming Video
    An introduction to original, modern folk music, as well as, an educational platform for multigenerational learning.

  9. Ring Around The Rosy
    We all fall Down! A modern adaptation of the children's classic. It deals with death... and life.

    The Boy's Gotta Gun

  10. The War Song: Guns, Rifles, Pistols, Tanks (and when to use them.) .avi download or streaming video

    A look at war from a child's point-of-view.

    Does sheltering a child from guns help deter that child from mis-using a weapon?

  11. Sharks:

    Shark N' Me

    A Thought About Predators... Plundering, and Pillaging

    "I just hope I'm not his dish"
    Featuring guitar, harmonica, and the fish of Sea World, Orlando, Florida.

  12. (Soda)POP (& Beer) CULTURE:
    How do you explain to the kids about brand names, liquor, and sugar coated goodies that show-up in their movies?

    Do you know what a commercial is? How do you explain that... although ET likes Reeses Pieces, they are not good for humans?

    The Darth Vader In Me

  13. The Darth Vader Song: Good Vs. Evil After learning about predators, perhaps a discussion on The Darkside is in order. Will the force be with you?

  14. Surrender, Hark & Heed
    Are you paying attention to the warning signs? Sometimes sirens sound... sometimes lights flash... sometimes you need to take a closer look.

    When a road is being repaired, they put up big warning signs that say, "Warning! Road Closed". That's easy, right? But, do you know any warning signs that tell you a storm is coming? Some people say that they can "feel it in their bones". I can always tell because my ears are sensitive to pressure... and, storms usually occur when low pressure and high pressure collide.

Instrumental In My Development